What we do

Successful Transformation Impact

ATTA has successfully transformed and turned around over 100 companies over the past few years through its groups of professional experts and members.

These include companies in the chemical, manufacturing, healthcare, industrial products, auto parts and accessories, consumer products, food processing, electrical appliances, equipment and appliances industries, etc.

The work scope and mandate include downsizing the business, reduce operational costs, restructuring the organisation, improving production and supply chain processes, strategic alliance, remodeling operations, improving profit margins, finding a new owner, making the business viable and sustainable, relisting the business, changing the business strategies, aligning the Go To Market strategies, selling the business, etc.

Transformational Imperatives

Creating a Learning Mindset

ATTA plays a key role in providing education about transformation and turnaround and communicating the achievements of our profession in Asia.

Through events and regular communication, we provide ATTA professionals with networking opportunities and the knowledge they need to be leaders in transformation and turnaround.

Connecting to Learn and Share

ATTA members gain significant benefits from sharing experiences with colleagues and peers.

Periodic events throughout the year offer members the opportunity to share information and network with other ATTA professionals.

Enhancing Industry Recognition and Accreditation

Membership of ATTA is increasingly being recognised across industries and regions as the sign of an experienced and qualified professional with significant value to bring to transformation and turnaround projects. 

Applicants who meet our membership criteria are eligible to use “MATTA” after their name.

Testimony of Success

Our network provides a forum for those seeking experienced professionals and consulting organisations for turnaround and transformation projects within the region. 

Those on our membership list are informed of these opportunities as we become aware of them.

Communicating for Success

Newsletters and articles written by our members and others within the industry are disseminated on a regular basis to keep members aware of market developments and to help them to learn from the shared experiences. This is done through Linkedln, Wechat or Emailing.

Expanding and Growing Mindset

Members are invited to regular networking and information events across the region.  In addition, the annual ATTA conference provides a forum for members to get together to discuss developments in the market, to share experience and to network.

Events include luncheons, leadership series, forums, CEO or Senior executive roundtables, breakfast meetings, networking, conferences, seminars, and training.

Building for the Future

ATTA regularly informs the wider marketplace about the benefits of successful transformation and turnaround, reaching out to directors of companies, professionals in finance and law, government officials and the media, to share case studies and promote best practices.

Sustaining Performance and the Future

Leveraging for Competitive Advantage

Members details are entered into our members-only database that enables others to search quickly for qualified professionals experienced in a relevant sector.

© Asia Transformation & Turnaround Association Limited

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